Branding your society
This is completely optional
There are several places which your society will be visible online. At a complete minimum, you will have your page on the Goldsmiths SU website, but you may also have a Facebook Page, Twitter profile, YouTube channel, your own website, etc, etc. You want your members (and members of the wider community) to know that a page belongs to you by having consistency across them. Consistency comes in two parts...
Messaging consistency
We're going to use Hacksmiths, the Tech Society, as the example. As a society, answer the following questions:
What are your activities in less than 140 characters?
"Hacksmiths is the Goldsmiths Tech Society. We run events to facilitate creative collaboration."
Who are your activities for?
"In order to get involved, you don't need to be a computing student or someone with lots of technical knowledge - just an interest in technology will get you a long way!"
What does success look like to you?
"We believe that everyone should have the chance to hack around with tech. We want to create a space where people from multiple departments can collaborate in the context of creative technology."
Visual consistency
There are several places people will see your visual identity. In some cases, it will be accompanied by your name, in some cases it will not. Here are some examples of how Hacksmiths achieves this:
A square icon-only logo for when accompanied by text??
A version of the logo with text?
Try and make sure you have a version which can go on top of colour (ideally transparent background)?
Creating a Logo