About Us

Welcome to Goldsmiths Tennis Club

Welcome to the Goldsmiths Tennis Club!

About the Club & Membership

We have 2 outdoor courts on campus, newly refurbished, which will allow students and staff a convenient and accessible facility to play tennis all year round.

Our aim is to help members achieve their best both on and off the court by creating a welcoming and supportive tennis community. 

Off the court, we hold regular social events for all our members, usually after matches. Often, these socials take place the pubs and restaurants around our campus for a drink or meal and a catch up but also include events such as pool or laser tag and our annual trips to watch live tennis at events such as Queens. 

Tennis club practice sessions are led by LTA qualified Coaches who bring a versatile coaching style to accomodate all abilities.


Taster Sessions / Waiver

During Welcome Week and Give It a Go week you will be able to attend our sessions at no cost! If you have not purchased a memebership product before your taster, you MUST complete a waiver form > HERE!

Membership Prices & Offer

Social Membership: £80 for the year!

Access to weekly coaching sessions / Rackets provided for coaching sessions / Sessions for beginners, intermediate & advanced players. Sessions start: Wed 27th September 2023.


Training is FREE to all members. To help us better manage numbers, can you please choose which group you would like to join and click on the link below. 

You must purchase the membership to attend the training sessions!

Please bring a racket if you own one. Rackets are also provided for by the club coach.


If you are a play at a high level in tennis you may be eligible to participate in the BUCS Individual Championships. More information will be posted HERE later in the term.

The club is not entered into a league this year but we aim to arrange friendlies with local uni teams throughout the year.

Tennis Courts

The courts are located next to the New Academic Building at the back of campus. Court are pre-booked for all club team and social sessions on Wednesdays. Tennis court access is for Goldsmiths Students & staff only.

For any non-SU Club related activity  please book directly via the College Estates team. Email: estates@gold.ac.uk

The tennis courts are free for all Goldsmiths students. To book a court email: estates@gold.ac.uk

Sport Access Grant

Students who are experiencing financial difficulty are welcome to apply for the Sports Access Grant. There is no deadline and applications will be reviewed on a 1st-come-1st served basis (priority will be given to applications for competitive memebrship) . To apply please click > HERE


For any enquiry feel free to contact us!

Club Committee Details: tbc

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goldsmithstennis/ 

Club Email: mixedtennis@goldsmithssu.org

We look forward to seeing you all on court!!!

No elections are currently running