About Us

Welcome to one of the biggest creative spaces on campus for anything and everything photography-related. Join up if your interested, where we'll be hosting workshops, events and a big exhibition!!!

Goldsmith's Photography Society: 

We aim to run workshops on how to take photographs, how to edit in different styles, creating your own website, build a portfolio, how to exhibit your photographs, how to direct photo-shootings, how to use an analog camera, and much, much more.

We will also be organizing talks from professional freelancers, art and film businesses and Goldsmiths alumni to talk about the freelance world, how to start getting paid for your creative work, how to network and find new clients outside of one’s usual circles, how to invoice, how to balance creative work vs paying the bills, and more to be confirmed.

Gold Models:

Gold Models is a sub section of the photography society, run by students! Based on a volunteer basis, we cast our models so creative students have a easy to access database of people who'd love to be in visual projects; from photography to film and theatre, Gold Models can be cast in your next project! 

!!! Check us out @goldmodelling !!!

This society will also be promoting paid job opportunities within Goldsmiths and outside universities. We want to push our society members to start working as freelancers and sharing their work with us!!!!


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