About Us

We are the Islamic society of Goldsmiths, University of London; a charitable, religious, social and cultural society, representative of all Muslims within this institution.

We are the Islamic society of Goldsmiths, University of London; a charitable, religious, social and cultural society, representative of all Muslims within this institution.

Our belief centres around the oneness of God, and the teachings of His final messenger, Muhammad peace be upon him. 

We are a non partisan group, who do not adhere to any sect or any understanding that deviate away from the original Islamic traditions. Our aims are primarily to cater for the needs of the Muslim students and to engage positively with the local community based on the principles of Islam.

Follow our Facebook page for updates.

The types of events we hold include Friday Prayers, Weekly Circles, Charity Week, Islamic Awareness Week, Annual Dinner, plus many more.

To get in contact with the Islamic Society and for all updates and information email- islamicsociety@goldsmithssu.org.

Facebook, Twitter & Instagram- Goldsmiths ISOC

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