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Annual General Meeting 2024

Goldsmiths Students’ Union hereby gives notice that the Student Members’ Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place online at 12:00 pm on Wednesday 12th June.



Dear students,

Goldsmiths Students’ Union hereby gives notice that the Student Members’ Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place online at 12:00 pm on Wednesday 12th June.

The Meeting will be held on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 839 7440 4150

Passcode: 465336

Find your local number:


What is the AGM?

The Union holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) of its members once a calendar year. However, additional general meetings can be called if necessary by the Student Forum or any of the Committees. AGM is where students receive the Trustees annual report and accounts of the Union, as well as a report of policies passed and work undertaken in the Student Forum. Any idea submitted by students that is related to amending the governing documents goes to AGM, as do ideas that would benefit from greater input from the wider student body. All members of the SU (meaning all students) are invited to these meetings where they can debate and vote on critical issues facing the Goldsmiths’ student community.

There will be no vote taking place at this AGM.



Please find the Agenda and papers for AGM here.