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Removal of a Candidate from the SU Elections

Goldsmiths Students’ Union takes election integrity seriously and is committed to ensuring the democratic process remains fair and accountable to our community.

SU Elections Results

Meet your new 2025/2026 Student officer team!

Sabbatical Team Statement

We regret to share that Gammorah has taken a decision to step down as President of the Students' Union.

Sabbatical Team Update

What We’ve Been Up To in Term One.

Statement on UK Far-Right Riots

In the face of the racist, islamophobic riots currently ongoing throughout the United Kingdom, Goldsmiths Students Union stands with the community.

June Referendum Results Announced

On June 4, 2024, Goldsmiths’ Students Union conducted a referendum to determine the student body’s confidence in Professor Warden Frances Corner and Goldsmiths’ Senior Management Team.

Hurricane Beryl

The Student Union is concerned to hear of the devastating impact of Hurricane Beryl. We are here to support anyone affected by these tragic events.

Motions Passed Following Our General Meeting

Read the latest update following our General meeting on Tuesday 27 Tuesday 27 February.

SU Awards 2024

Celebrate the work of Club and Societies members throughout the year.

What to pack for Uni?

It's tricky deciding what to bring and what to leave behind...

Getting around New Cross

Getting around London is easy once you know how...

2022-23 Strike Complaints

What you need to know

2022-23 Sabbatical Team Thank You!

This month we said goodbye to the current Sabbatical team and celebrated some of their major wins this year.

Recent College Statement addressing Transphobia on Campus

Yesterday (23rd February), Goldsmiths students and staff received an email addressing recent transphobia on campus, including stickers and graffiti that have been seen on campus.

Türkiye - Syria Earthquake

Student advice and support information for those affected by the devastating Earthquake.

LGBTQ+ History Month

From LGBTQ+ Friendly Clothes Swap to Online talks - Find out what's happening over the next couple of weeks.

This is not ping-pong

Evaluating the College’s Response to Our Performance Audit Report

SEAtS: We will not comply!

Goldsmiths SU stands against data surveillance and data collection, as manifested by the College's use of the SEAtS software.