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Candidate for the position of ABACUS Chinese Society - ABACUS Chinese Society - President

Mariyam Adamsopiyeva

Party as if it’s your last.

I’m applying for this role because I’ve always enjoyed being a part of Abacus,I believe I have the qualities to lead and deal with responsibilities.Knowing for sure that people genuinely wanted me to be president because they saw it in me ,like my peers and current abacus leaders gave me motivation to just go for it.When I become a president I know for sure that my goal will be to include as many people as possible to be part of this society.I’ve build great relationships with many people through it ,I’m a great communicator and always able to set the right vibe.Along with it I got to have my perspective on how to improve the events since I attended all of them.I think my personality and approach can help students to just not be worried if they will fit in ,and just go for it to have genuine fun and make friends.