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Candidate for the position of Global Ethnic Majority Students' Officer

Fatou Marong

BME Officer Manifesto
“Academic Success Should Not Be Exclusionary”

Fatou Marong:
Ba Hons History - Year 3. Next year I will be: MA Black British History - Year 1

Current Student Positions at Goldsmiths:
BME Representative, History Society Vice President, SCL, DSC, ‘Black to the Future’ Co-Lead.

How Will I Help?
As a History Student, working towards my PhD, I know that my critical thinking and summative
analytical skills will benefit the BME officer position. I intend to think logically about the impact I will
have during my time in this position, and how I will be able to increase the support ethnic minority
students receive from the Students’ Union, the Goldsmiths SMT.

Promoting Inclusive Diversity
As the BME group fails to encompass the diversity of all ethnic minorities on campus, &
the UK GOV advise not to use this grouping, I will support inclusive diversity efforts. I will
ensure that every minority group feels represented & valued within our university
community, & that events are hosted to reflect the many global cultures that determine
the student body.

Culturally Diverse Initiatives
I will advocate for culturally diverse initiatives that authentically reflect all nationalities
present on our campus & will achieve this through collaboration with students from these
communities. All initiatives I intend to develop a community of students who have an
interest in celebrating individual cultures - but as a collective.


I am committed to supporting Palestinian humanitarian scholarship students and the wider
Palestinian activist community on campus. The Students’ Union and I will stand in solidarity
against the Palestinian genocide, and advocate for their voices to be heard within the

Combatting Islamophobia and Antisemitism
With the alarming rise in Islamophobia and antisemitism, The Students’ Union and I will
stand by Muslim and Jewish students, ensuring they feel supported and protected on
campus. I will advocate for measures that combat discrimination and promote religious
tolerance and understanding among all communities.

Holding Goldsmiths and The SMT Accountable
As the University are waiting for student public memory to fade, it is important to hold the
university and SMT accountable for their commitments to combat abuse, discrimination,
anti-racism, and decolonisation on campus. I will advocate for transparent investigations
into previous staff misconduct complaints against current staff - and ensure that pledges
made by the Racial Justice Board and GARA are led by ethnic minority student communities.

Opposing The Transformation Plans and Job Cuts
I strongly oppose the new transformation plan and proposed job cuts to academic staff.
These measures not only jeopardise the quality of education, but also threaten the
contributions of our valuable academic staff community.

Demanding Immediate Decolonisation
I will call out the SMT’s false sense of white-saviourism and tokenistic support of ethnic
minority contributions to the University, to demand immediate decolonisation of our
institution - beyond what the white-led SMT have been stagnant on since 2019. The current
Eurocentric demographic amongst senior positions does not adequately reflect the diversity
of our staff / student body, and local New Cross community, and it is crucial to address this disparity through meaningful action - nor does it reflect their commitment to radical social justice and equality.

RASA & EC Support
SMT do not recognise the need for convenient support services, and I will demand more
consideration for students trying to access the RASA and EC support. These support systems
should not be gatekept, as they are essential for addressing the diverse needs of students
and ensuring their academic success and well-being.

Racial trauma is an acceptable circumstance for RASA and EC support, however, this is not
always granted.