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Candidate for the position of Education Officer

Image for Gammorah Britton-Gibson

Gammorah Britton-Gibson

Empowering Students, Fulfilling Promise, Liberating Education

Hey I am Gammorah, currently the Trans and Non-Binary Liberation Officer at the SU, I am running for Education Officer because I have seen the amazing, unique and creative space that Goldsmiths is and the promise that this community provides to so many. I have also seen, though that for so many this promise is not fulfilled. We are under-supported, under-funded, not respected and so often when we report this, we are forced to navigate ridiculously confusing and complex processes only to then be not listened to at all.

 Through my experience with the SU already I have fought for marginalised voices on campus, working with students to establish networks and spaces of joy, support and mutual education. My time as a student officer and MA student has been instructive in showing me that as it currently stands students have little power to effectively make important decisions about their own education, particularly where the experiences of marginalised students are concerned. This lack of student power and inflexible structures translates to a situation when the need to recognise, respect and empower the multiple intersections of the student body and let people own their educational practice is reduced to a tick-box exercise.

The University needs to step-up on delivering on the promises of social justice education, a promise that it actively profits from promoting. Liberation within a true education that works for all cannot be achieved within corporate practices such as increased diversity hiring and the same market -approaches that have been tried and failed, whilst a lack of student support alongside the lack of academic and experiential learning provisions puts the entire community of student and staff at greater precarity during a cost-of-living-crisis.  

With your vote, I will work with and for you, to get us the academic and student experience we came to Goldsmiths for, to help fulfil the Goldsmiths promise we deserve. A structure of accountability, quality and justice where we are listened to not as consumers of a product but as the very- thing that makes and creates the incredible place that Goldsmiths is.


Here is what I am committed to deliver:

  • Lobby for greater student power and ownership over how their courses are taught and encourage more student-led communication to the University to combat the University’s reliance on end-stage feedback forms
  • Ensure accessible and support is given to every student through going through the ablest broken Extenuating Circumstances system
  • Giving student representatives more power to effect how they are taught and ensure they are listened to when they complain
  • Lobby for change to the timetabling process, ensuring information is available early and clearly
  • Demand clarity on the RASA process, ensure systems are built to support automatic deferrals and accessible room allocation without the need for students to engage in violent bureaucracy
  • Provide clear structure for students on placements and practice-based departments in terms of programme clarity, equal access to spaces and equipment
  • Enable students to collectively decide on workshops, speakers, field trips and course specific events they need and get this funded.
  • Campaign alongside others to deliver education that is de-colonial, non-Eurocentric and actively anti-racist in action not just PR, and must be led by BIPOC staff and students.
  • Support Liberation Officers and networks with actual power they as marginalised groups need to lead toward a university that is liberatory in structure.
  • Solidarity and support with Industrial Action whilst ensuring that the fight for institutional support during strikes  and for  compensation continues.