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Candidate for the position of Student Trustee

Levente Bauer

Dear fellow students,

As a candidate for student trustee, I want to express my commitment to improving the collaboration
between the student union and the university. I believe that our student union should have a say in
the running of the university and that student welfare should be accurately reflected in decisions
made by the university.

To achieve this, I propose the following initiatives:

1. Regular meetings with university administration: As a student trustee, I will advocate for
regular meetings between the student union and the university administration. These
meetings will provide an opportunity for the student union to share their concerns, make
suggestions, and discuss the issues that matter to students.

2. Increased transparency: I believe that transparency is key to ensuring that the student union
has a say in the running of the university. I will push for increased transparency from the
university in terms of decision-making processes and financial management. This will help
the student union to better understand the university's operations and to identify areas
where student welfare can be improved.

3. Investigating communication breakdowns: In order to improve the efficiency of the student
union, I will work to investigate communication bottle necks and breakdowns. This will
involve consulting with student representatives to identify areas where communication can
be improved as well as tracking back communication chains to see where the breakdowns
happen and implementing strategies to address these issues.

4. Promoting student welfare: As a student trustee, I believe that it is crucial to promote
student welfare. I will work to ensure that the university considers the welfare of students
when making decisions, and that the student union has a say in these decisions. This will
include advocating for better mental health services, more affordable housing options, and
improved academic support.

I believe that these initiatives will help to improve the collaboration between the student union and
the university, ensure that the student union has a say in the running of the university, and promote
student welfare. As your student trustee, I am committed to working tirelessly to achieve these
goals and to represent your best interests.

Thank you for your consideration.


Levente Bauer
Your next Student Trustee