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Candidate for the position of Women's Officer

Ellen Ringrose

Hello, my name is Elle and I’m running for Wxmen’s Officer. I nominated myself as I am determined to do what I can to improve the lives of wxmen. I do not believe you can be a feminist without intersectionality; I will be someone who will try to lift the voices of all experiences. I’ve been researching and engaging with feminist literature since I was 16, and I intend to keep learning for the rest of my life.


Working as a DSC has given me the confidence to speak up, and the opportunity to understand dynamics and people within Goldsmiths. There are so many of us with a drive to make Goldsmiths better, and I want to help you do so.


What I want to achieve:


1.The CARE Project
This student-led project focuses on survivor-centred and trauma-informed action. While I am proud of the work done so far, I feel the project has a way to go. The Active-Bystander training and VLE courses are tragically under advertised; the former is usually only attended by those who are asked to. The project also needs to broaden its teachings; only a small part of Goldsmiths’ policy is covered in the current training. Optional courses are usually only appealing to those already invested in the subject and I feel a more rigorous approach is vital. We need everyone in this community to understand every aspect of the Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy to make our community safe - it is the university’s duty of care. Support options for those affected also need to be highlighted much more clearly.

2.Athena Swan Award
The Athena Swan Charter is a framework aiming to support gender equality within higher education. Currently Goldsmiths holds a Bronze Award, meaning the university has created structures which advocate for gender quality, have collected evidence of the key issues and have devised a SMART action plan to address these issues. To achieve a Silver Award, Goldsmiths needs to complete or supersede this plan. I want to help move the university forward towards its goals and I believe the Athena Swan Charter is an excellent measure of success.

3.Gender Pay Gap
As we prepare ourselves for life beyond higher education, it is vital we know what to expect in the working world. Goldsmiths Career Service is a fantastic resource, but I feel we need education on what to do if we experience the pay gap. This involves education as to why the pay gap exists as well as ways to overcome it. I believe training in this area will strengthen wxmen’s confidence and allow us to celebrate our worth as professionals.

4.Gender Health Gap
Similarly to my points above, I feel we need the university to provide education on what to do if we feel health professionals are not listening to or respecting us. We know our bodies better than anyone else, and we deserve to be taken seriously. Multiple wxmen I know have suffered immensely due to the health gap, and I want to help wxmen advocate for their own health.

Underpinning all the points I have listed is the absolute need for an education on what the patriarchy is, how we participate in it and how we can change it. We cannot treat symptoms without addressing the problem itself. Everyone should be provided with the information and tools to make change; addressing individuals is not enough to combat a system that has existed for centuries.

If you vote for me, I will do my absolute best to make change and listen to your voices.