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Candidate for the position of President

Image for Victoria Chwa

Victoria Chwa

Fiercely Above & Beyond, Together

Hi! Victoria here, your Education Officer, running to be your next President at Goldsmiths SU.

As Education Officer, the Officer team and I work closely to support and advocate for our community. We:

  • Developed a working strategy for presenting issues to and seeking demands from the College through the Performance Audit Report
  • Adopted a proactive approach to holding the College, its governance and duty of care to account
  • Executed the College's Communication duties for them
  • Personally represented multiple students across issues, seeing through support and resolution
  • Achieved representation on industrial action complaints panels, standing for students' rights
  • Knowledge-building through projects such as Community Chats and the Archive
  • Ongoing campaigns in progress: SEAtS, student complaints and rights, the handbooks project

This has given me a clear and in-depth understanding of what the College continues to get wrong. There is a fundamental disconnect resulting in an incompatibility within the university’s structures and a marginalisation of students based on marketised approaches. This contradicts the values and history of Goldsmiths. As a Goldsmiths student, I share in the experience you came here for. There is immense potential for the College to do more. I know what needs to be done, and am confident in leading us forward. I want to see through the commitment I made as Education Officer.

Here is what I will deliver as your President. Engage with me and find accessible versions at I look forward to continuing this work!


What will I deliver as President?

Our Legacy: Sustaining Movement 

Objective: To honour the history of Goldsmiths student work and campaigns, sustaining our collective legacy

  • Complete existing projects, including the Student, International Student, Student Rep and Student Rights handbooks
  • Continue the Archive Project, ensuring accessibility
  • Continue strategic action for compensation, complaints and student rights, demanding written commitment to uphold within institutional strategy
  • Develop a comprehensive working document on campaigning in the Goldsmiths context
  • Ensure the College conducts a full transparent review of the costs and effects of the centralisation
  • Research into which students fall through the cracks of administrative failures, ensuring support
  • Conduct a full review of the performance of new administration and processes such as RASAs and ECs after centralisation


Our Experience: Revolutionising Student Voice

Objective: Greater student agency over education and experience

  • Lobby for:
  1. Permanent increases to the hardship fund
  2. Greater access to student cost-of-living bursaries
  3. More funding to student projects, spaces and equipment
  4. Permanent funding to GARA and the CARE Project
  • Centre BAME and Queer perspectives across curricula and institutional structure
  • Campaign for the rights of international students against the cash-cow framework, building an accessible and dedicated support and feedback platform for marginalised students 
  • Campaign against the marketisation of higher education
  • Reorganise Student Representative networks (e.g. DSCs) to ensure greater support and agency
  • Redevelop feedback loops from departmental to College levels, ensuring students have more power to influence changes while they are students
  • Push for student agency over learning and assessment
  • Empower students to campaign for issues that matter to them, both through the curriculum and extracurricular funding


Our Spaces: Accessible Support

Objective: Eliminate precarity

  • Build Community Chats towards a stable funded space for learning outside the institution
  • Lobby for dedicated funding for student spaces within Estates
  • Ensure the College delivers on regular maintenance works e.g. lifts
  • Redevelop the College's Communications strategy towards accessibility and accountability
  • Organise interdisciplinary collaboration, appreciation and publication of student work
  • Designate more rest areas and safe spaces for students and staff across campus
  • Campaign for more student control over timetable, such as reserving space for society & sports club activities, placements and work