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What are Student Union Elections? 

Every year students, like yourself, get to choose which of your fellow students are elected as student representatives at Goldsmiths SU. It’s your chance to speak up and choose who you would like to represent you and take control of your student experience. 

How do I Nominate myself?

All you need to do to nominate yourself is sign into your student account, click the link below and complete the form. Then, a member of the SU voice team will be in touch to talk you through everything you need to know about running in the by-election.


The roles

Student Trustee

Student Trustees sit on the Board of Directors for the Union. Trustees are not be involved in day to day affairs, but take an overview of how the Union is performing, both financially and in delivering services to students. Trustees are responsible for:

The overall role of the Board is to ensure that the Union is well run, meeting its aims and working within the legal and constitutional framework laid down.

  • making sure the decisions that the Union makes are in the best interest of the Union and its members

  • Setting the long term plans and direction of the Union

  • Ensuring the Union works within the law and constitution

  • Over the academic year, you will be asked to:
  • Attend about 4 Board meetings a year

  • Prepare for Board meetings by reading through materials and Board papers beforehand

  • Attend the annual Members’ meeting of the Union, where the trustees’ report will be presented to students

  • Keep in regular contact by email and phone with the other Trustees and provide feedback and input on issues when they arise

Liberation Officer

Liberation Part Time Officers are voluntary roles on campus, elected by student, to represent their community. There are three different roles this by-election and six overall; Disabled students officer, LGBTQ+ students officer, and Women's Officer. We ask that all students self-define into these liberation groups if they wish to run or vote in these categories.

We ask that all nominees have some extracurricular time free in their schedule in order to make the most out of this position. However, we understand finding time to campaign can be difficult - these positions are fully supported by SU staff for this reason.

The main obligations are;

  • Attending an initial training session to set expectations for the role and the year ahead

  • Running events with and for the Liberation Networks.

  • Attending and participating in Part Time Officer meetups, networking opportunities and training.

  • Leading the relevant Liberation Network.

Important dates

Voice Team Drop Ins

Every Tuesday 2-3pm, SU Cafe

Nominations open

Monday 21 Oct, 9am

Nominations close

Monday 15 Nov, 5pm

Manifesto deadline

Thursday 18 Nov, 11.59pm

Voting opens

Tuesday 19 Nov, 9am

Voting closes

Friday 22 Nov, 4pm

Results announced

Friday 22 Nov 5pm

Speak to the team

If you have any questions or have issues nominating yourself for a role, please contact the SU Student Voice Team via email